Essential Grid Gallery
A developers we are often tasked to display our clients goods, products and services in an attractive way. Great display is great for business. Clients aren’t the only beneficiaries of great image display; when executed the right way, it benefits users via an optimal web experience. The business case for best image display is both a marketing strategy and a way to build a strong client relationship.
The default version of WordPress allows you to add images to posts and pages, but this is rather limited — if you’re serious about best serving your clients, you need versatility and variety when it comes to presenting images. As a professional, creative individual, then you need a professional looking, creative portfolio; for both you as the developer and your customer. Essential Grid is an WordPress grid building solution on steroids. ESS Grid allows one to create and display various content layouts in a highly customizable grid. Possible applications range from portfolios, blogs, galleries, WooCommerce shops, price tables, services, product sliders, testimonials and anything else you can imagine. The grids one comes up with can then be inserted into ones posts and pages, as well as displayed in the sidebars of ones site. Here I present a masonry gallery demo.
Essential Grid Demo Gallery Demo
[ess_grid alias=”demo-masonry”]
Essential Grid WordPress Plugin
The all-purpose grid building solution!
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