Divi ♥ Licious Functionality Plugin

In your WordPress theme folder, you will always find functions.php, the most useful theme file. The name says it all, this file adds functions to your WordPress website and goes a long way to making the cool stuff happen. Often unknown to many WordPress developers is the fact that this files functions can be moved to a WordPress plugin.

  • Ease of Installation 85% 85%
  • Ease of Use 95% 95%

Themes and Functions

Today, theme developers cram all kinds of functions into the theme itself in an effort to woo customers. Whether it is a slider, social media icons and functions, Google analytics and or a spiffy wiz-bang contact form; what happens should one choose to swap out one theme for another. You lose all your hard work setting up those mods. Do yourself a favor. Instead of adding the code to your theme, or relying on the code that is in the  theme, instead drop it in a plugin. Divi ♥ Licious  Functionality plugin is just one solution.  There are plenty available plugins on wordpress.org that will enable you to accomplish many things. Unfortunately, there are those that bring unneeded or unwanted bloat that your site can do without. With the Divi ♥ Licious  Functionality plugin, you’ll only have to add it once and your functions will be preserved when you change the design of your website.

Don’t Lose Your Edits

WordPress themes often have updates to keep them playing nicely with core WordPress files and server scripting. With the Divi ♥ Licious  Functionality plugin, you can add your new functions into the plugin instead of touching your themes functions file. If you are a power user, chances are you will have a bevy of functions that you use over and over again. Edit this plugin to add your favorite and essential functions then upload and activate.

Pre-Loaded Goodness

There are many functions that, in my opinion, every WordPress website needs. Here are the functions I’ve pre-loaded into my plugin.

Customer Support Divi Layout XML

The whole idea of a WordPress website is the client will be able to manage his or her own content. With my Customer Divi Support Layout, I provide the new client with general information on managing a WordPress website, as well as links to great tutorial resources, stock image resources, and your email and phone number when it comes to support. Now developers can add “how to” videos, content specific instructions, tips, tricks and more on a dedicated support page only available to you and your client.

 Handy Shortcodes

Clear All | The WordPress page/post editor is a great tool to be sure, but don’t we all find those time when the content just won’t behave. I have found myself putting in hard returns, and line breaks in an effort to get content not to jumble together haphazardly; all to no avail. With this plugin, content editors can use the shortcode [ clear ] (remove spaces for actual use) thereby forcing the next line of content to clear all other elements.

Spacer | Add user defined spacing between elements with shortcode: [ spaceme height=”25″ ]

Checkmarks | Add a green checkmark or red X to any line element with shortcode

[ yes ] or
[ no ]

Private | Display secret message to editors by using my Private shortcode. Usage: [ private ] Your secret message here. [ /private ] You can provide helpful hints and tips to content admins and editors that only they can see.

Grab One


This plugin has secret hidden non-active functions that requires that you edit the plugin files themselves to turn features on and off, something you budding developers need to start doing. The files are well documented. Explore and have fun. Not compatible with my generic WordPress child theme – Many of these functions (and more) are already bundled in the theme. Requires the Divi ♥ Licious framework plugin to supply styles.

Divi ♥ Licious Framework Plugin

Required for Divi ♥ Licious plugins, modules and layouts. Provides image and css assets.

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